Sunday, April 27, 2014

Magic Wands and Exploding Hoses

Hi Everyone!
Hope things have been great since last we visited!
It has been on this side. Lots of projects, lots of family. :)

I think we shall start with a continuation of the straw bale garden...
I have been patiently waiting for some sign that things would start growing and after the last couple of 30 degree nights went by...THEY DID!! Lots of growth too. I'm really shocked at how much has sprouted.
The fruit trees and the flower circle are doing well also! *forgot to take any photos of them though*...

this is where we started (4-13-14)

this is 10 days later (4-23-14)

this is 3 days after that (4-26-14)
amazing results so far!!

On a note concerning the straw bales...I was babysitting this past Friday and didn't get home until 2 am. As I let the dogs out (who were bouncing off the walls since they hadn't been out in hours and hours) I heard this sssswwwwoooooosssshhhhh coming from the backyard. Apparently not turning the water off at the faucet is not a good idea. The day before after I water the bales I must have forgotten (sucks getting old-er) to turn it off and it blew a hole in the hose. No idea how long it had been spewing water but the backyard was well saturated...except for the bales. Of course, why on earth would I expect it to go where it was needed. 

hose go BOOM!

The kids and all my grandchildren were at the house for Easter. It was nice to have everyone in one place. My son was supper tired (finally back to work! YAY!) so he was moody - but I love him anyway! The grand kids had fun chasing eggs - I think my daughter and my daughter-in-law had just as much fun chasing the kids around trying to help them find the eggs. All in all it was a pleasant day. Hope you got to spend your day with family as well! Sally came up with a last minute project for me to whip up. Sometimes I think she thinks I can pull things out of my bum. :) But I did it...bubble jars and magic wands to go with them. They turned out really well and I was really happy with them (yes, mark it on the calendar, that doesn't happen very often)...

all my Grand Berries in one place   :)

magic wands - look out Harry Potter! LOL

completed wands and jars - baby food jars with a 
red base with crackle finish for the girls and a black base
with crackle for the boys. and some green and blue
coloring for the bubbles

My mother-in-law, who left to go home to Michigan on Friday, asked me to create some gifts for some of her other grandchildren. She wanted something with their names. So I put together a cork board name plate. They are little wooden shapes that I used acrylic overlays on and then attached them to the cork board. They came out fairly well I think. I believe that Isabel was happy with them (I hope).

these were for the boys...the girls got crocheted pieces -
not by me (I can though) but by our niece

About a week ago my daughter sent me a picture of a gorgeous greenhouse. I want one...will somebody build me this? Oh, and I'll need a piece of property big enough to contain it as well.  :)

let me know when you can get started!
*why would anyone not take care of this?*

Well, I think that is the end for today. I have so enjoyed our little chat, I hope you have as well.
Until next time...
Be Good, Be Safe, Be Happy!


**One question for you all...How many pictures do you want to see? I was considering showing the 'how-to' of the bubble jars / wands and the name plates but thought that it would be over kill. Do you like the details of what I'm working on or would you rather just the finished pieces? I don't want to put anyone to sleep at their computers (although I'm sure it's happened before). Yes, I do realize that was more than one question...but curious minds want to know. :)**

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